The report criticized the quality of some Diploma courses lasting just two weeks, and recommends minimum hours be imposed.
- Up to $6 billion in taxpayer’s funded loans been provided for students through VET FEE Help who will never finish their training course.
- Only 8% of students who enrol in VET FEE Help funded courses complete their course.
A report compiled by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research reported that just over one in five eligible borrowers who commenced courses between 2009 and 2012 went on to complete those courses. This suggests that up to $530 million of the $670m allocated through the scheme between 2009 and 2012 went to cover the fees of people who never graduated!
$1bn sting in vocational training college rort
Top vocational college AIPE may be shut down
Vocational training rorts: Loans freeze will not stop rogues
Privatisation turned vocational education into a den of shonks and shysters
Empower Institute
VET FEE Help exposedӬӬ
VET FEE Help: Friend or FoeӬӬ
Blitz on training colleges after “˜rampant abuse'”¨”¨
Slug colleges for loans blowoutӬӬ
What is VET FEE-Help? The information people really need to know!