Make a Lasting Impression

First impressions matter a lot because how people see you today can affect your future networks. A positive first experience with you could lead to a job offer you’ve always wanted, a winning pitch for a project you’ve worked on for months, and the gaining of trust that increases your credibility to anyone you meet… Continue reading Make a Lasting Impression

Take Some Good Advice

Throughout our lives, we might have given and received thousands of advice over the years. Can you recall the best piece of advice that you have received and have given to others? Sometimes we take the advice when we think we can benefit from it, and other times, well, we just simply do the opposite.… Continue reading Take Some Good Advice

Strengthen Your Core Values

In this complicated world, it’s easy for our minds to get tainted by the various sources that surround us. It’s also very common for us to fall into the trap of being influenced and dictated by mainstream society. As a result, we develop inadmissible habits that interrupt our growth and development and give us a… Continue reading Strengthen Your Core Values

Bounce Back After a Setback

Dealing with setbacks is a part of life, however, no one is ever immune to it. No matter how many times we go through difficulties and eventually overcome them, they can still get to us sometimes. When morale is down and emotions are high after experiencing multiple failures and disappointments, You might find it hard… Continue reading Bounce Back After a Setback

What Happens When Energy Restricted Diets are Crossed with High Intensity Exercise?

If you are on a healthy eating plan based on the current macronutrient portioning of food per day you are probably eating 2,000- 2,200 Kcalories if you are a female and approximately 2,600-2,800 Kcalories if you are a male. The food pyramid emphasises that our break up of Kcalories should be 50% carbohydrate, 25% fats… Continue reading What Happens When Energy Restricted Diets are Crossed with High Intensity Exercise?

Worry Less, Do More

Those who strive for perfection are leaders and high achievers, but when they push themselves too much, they tend to get into extremely toxic situations. Working hard to achieve something is great, however, when the frustration level is sky high and there is already chronic dissatisfaction and unhappiness in life, we need to start reaching… Continue reading Worry Less, Do More