Sharpen Your Time Management Skills

“It’s really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time.” “• Steve Jobs Time management is a skill that takes a while to develop and it’s also different for every person. There’s absolutely no one-size-fits-all approach to this, however, there is something called “Time Management Spectrum” that can help you gauge your… Continue reading Sharpen Your Time Management Skills

Game-changing Habits to Supercharge Your Life

“I always wanted to be someone better the next day than I was the day before.” “• Sidney Poitier To build an extraordinary life of your dreams, you need to develop daily positive routines. Being positive and staying that way can be a real challenge especially when you experience difficulties, failures, and uncertainties but don’t… Continue reading Game-changing Habits to Supercharge Your Life

Take Part, Be Proactive!

We are all leaders. We have the ability to demonstrate leadership wherever we are and whatever we do. It’s not just about a specific title, position or status in life – we can step up and accept responsibility. We all have a level of accountability to right the wrongs around us and provide solutions to… Continue reading Take Part, Be Proactive!

Shift Your Paradigm and Unlock Opportunities

The “paradigm” concept started in the early 1960’s by the philosopher Thomas Kuhn and since then, the term has been widely used in the world of Psychology, Politics, Sports, Medicine and Business. It helped Scientists create theoretical frameworks by providing clarity in terms of goal-setting and direction in their scientific research and other activities within… Continue reading Shift Your Paradigm and Unlock Opportunities

If Not Now, Then When?

One of the most popular quotes about productivity is “If not now, then when”, however, its essence is often missed. We are all guilty somehow of pushing things aside and doing them at a later time. It’s so easy to walk away from impending tasks and tell yourself to finish them afterward. The longer these… Continue reading If Not Now, Then When?

Combat Burnout and Reignite Passion for Work

According to burnout means Feeling of physical and emotional exhaustion, due to stress from working with people under difficult or demanding conditions. Burnout is followed by signs such as chronic fatigue, quickness to anger and suspicion, and susceptibility to colds, headaches, and fevers. It seems like career burnout is becoming more common these days… Continue reading Combat Burnout and Reignite Passion for Work

Your Journey to Success

No two paths to success are alike. Each person’s journey is unique as a fingerprint or a snowflake, thus success is relative to the person who strives for it. If you aim to be successful, the first and most important question that you must ask yourself is “What do I need to do to achieve… Continue reading Your Journey to Success